Ansible Refactoring Part 3 - First Refactor

Ansible Refactoring Part 3 - First Refactor

Part 3 - First Refactor

This is Part 3 of an Ansible Refactoring Series - Start Here

In our first pass through the project we will just focus on breaking it up into more modular components, breaking apart the variables from the code, and cleaning up the base directory by moving out any files or templates into sub-directories. If you are Jeff Geerling and very comfortable with writing roles and collections then this part can be skipped!

  1. Break main.yml into 3 purpose based playbooks

  2. Create a site.yml wrapper to allow a full deploy with 1 run of ansible-playbook

  3. Break out the variables into separate files

  4. Clean up the project directory

    1. Move any templates into a ./templates directory and update playbooks

    2. Move any files (e.g. used by copy module or similar) into a ./files directory and update playbooks

Plan of Attack

  1. Make a refactor git branch

    Even if you don’t use git or other SCM (Source Code Management) tool it is a very good place to start. This will give you safety, and confidence, to make major changes with little to no risk. We’ll introduce basic git commands as we go along.

    git checkout -b refactor-pass-01
    Sample Output
    Switched to a new branch 'refactor-pass-01'
    cp main.yml provision_database_tier.yml
    cp main.yml provision_app_tier.yml
    cp main.yml provision_load_balancer_tier.yml
  2. Edit each file so it contains only the appropriate play

    Using the editor of your choice, vim is installed, delete the redundant extra plays from each of your new files. Your objective is to have 3 focussed playbooks which do 1 tier each.

    You can verify you haven’t introduced syntax errors by checking with ansible-playbook --syntax-check

    ansible-playbook --syntax-check *.yml
    Sample Output
    playbook: main.yml
    playbook: provision_app_tier.yml
    playbook: provision_database_tier.yml
    playbook: provision_load_balancer_tier.yml
    playbook: teardown-app.yml

    Linters such as yamllint, ansible-lint, and ansible-review are outside the scope of this particular stage If you are curious to try then install python3 and the use pip3 to install ansible-review

    sudo yum install python3 -y
    sudo pip3 install ansible-review

    Output omitted for brevity and yes using sudo for pip3 is a bad practice but a useful shortcut for now (use virtualenvs or link to /usr/local/bin would be better but a few more steps)

    Try it on your new playbooks
    ansible-review provision*.yml
    Sample Output
    WARN: Best practice "Playbooks should not contain logic (vars, tasks, handlers)" not met:
    provision_database_tier.yml:2: [EXTRA0008] tasks should not be required in a play
    WARN: Best practice "Playbooks should not contain logic (vars, tasks, handlers)" not met:

    Lots of warnings but no errors - lets return to those warnings later.

  3. Wrap your 3 playbooks in a site.yml using import_playbook

    cat site.yml
    Sample Output
    - import_playbook: provision_database_tier.yml
    - import_playbook: provision_app_tier.yml
    - import_playbook: provision_load_balancer_tier.yml
  4. Verify your new site.yml (if necessary run ansible-playbook teardown.yml first to delete the install)

    ansible-playbook site.yml

Success (hopefully) - now cleanup and move on to the next stage

A git Digression

Now we have made some changes, added some files/playbooks, amd main.yml is redundant it would be nice to snapshot our progress in git. This allows us to move forward confidently, and yet revert or recover back to a known good state

  1. Configure some git global variables

    Feel free to use whatever values you want below

    git config --global ""
    git config --global "tok"
    git config -l
    Sample Output                (1)                             (2)

    Your changes have been applied

    1. Your email

    2. Your name

  2. Now cleanup your repo and commit your changes

    git rm main.yml
    git add --all
    git commit -m "Refactored and removed main.yml to site.yml"
    Sample Output
    [refactor-pass-01 a61fb5c] Refactored and removed main.yml to site.yml
     5 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 296 deletions(-)
     delete mode 100644 main.yml
     create mode 100644 provision_app_tier.yml
     create mode 100644 provision_database_tier.yml
     create mode 100644 provision_load_balancer_tier.yml
     create mode 100644 site.yml
    You can check on your changes and state with git status and view the commit history with git log

Refactoring the Variables

It is, generally, a bad practice to store code and configuration together, and your 3 playbooks are full of variables. Variables, or vars, can change frequently and being able to modify these or supply alternatives simply is very powerful. In a mature codebase the playbooks, roles, and collections may become predominately read-only in day to day use with the var or inputs changing far more frequently.

  1. Break each set of vars out into separate "var files".

    There are a number of places we could put them and many ways we can read them back into our playbooks. However in this case the simplest and easiest option is to move them into files in a group_vars directory. Each file will take the name of its group postfixed by .yml and Ansible will automatically include it at run time.

    1. make the group_vars directory

      mkdir group_vars
    2. Remind yourself of your group names

      ansible-inventory --graph
      Sample Output
        |  |--app1.fe87.internal
        |  |--app2.fe87.internal
        |  |--appdb1.fe87.internal
        |  |--frontend1.fe87.internal
    3. Copy your playbooks into group_vars using the group names above postfixed with .yml

      cp provision_database_tier.yml group_vars/database_servers.yml
      cp provision_app_tier.yml group_vars/app_servers.yml
      cp provision_load_balancer_tier.yml group_vars/load_balancers.yml
    4. Cleanup each new variable file

      • Delete all non variable lines including vars:

      • Fix the indentation, aligning the vars with column 1


        vim is extremely good at these types of operations

        Table 1. vim command mode options
        Command Function


        Delete n lines (ex mode is even more powerful)


        allows you to change indentation levels over n multiple lines

        For example your files should look like this:

        head group_vars/database_servers.yml
        Sample Output
        postgres_rhel7_repo: ""
          - postgresql10
          - postgresql10-server
          - postgresql10-contrib
          - postgresql10-libs
        postgres_library: python-psycopg2
        postgres_10_data_dir: /var/lib/pgsql/10/data
        postgres_10_bin_path: /usr/pgsql-10/bin
    5. Now remove the vars from each of your playbooks

      Edit each playbook removing the vars: section completely

  2. Test your changes remembering to run ansible-playbook teardown.yml first if necessary

    ansible-playbook site.yml

    Your, slowly getting better, site.yml should run successfully. If not debug, fix, until successful.

    YAML at first appears very fussy about indentation etc but soon this becomes natural. Adopt a consistent style as when creating lists for example you have 2 indentation styles to chose from. ansible-playbook <playbook-name> --syntax-check us useful and pip3 can also install yamllint
  3. Finally commit your changes

    git add --all
    git commit -m "Refactored all vars to group_vars"
    Sample Output
    [refactor-pass-01 9399a27] Refactored all vars to group_vars
     6 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
     create mode 100644 group_vars/app_servers.yml
     create mode 100644 group_vars/database_servers.yml
     create mode 100644 group_vars/load_balancers.yml
  4. Examine your git history with git log

    git log
    Sample Output
    commit 9399a277637e74cc9ccb167daa464d6b813dd552
    Author: tok <>
    Date:   Thu Jul 23 17:58:42 2020 +0000
        Refactored all vars to group_vars
    commit a61fb5ce457e88759a8a63cdf4b938c9df73581e
    Author: tok <>
    Date:   Thu Jul 23 17:10:22 2020 +0000
        Refactored and removed main.yml to site.yml
    commit 531439bee9f84c1068be761e5c10fa65ad4abb7a
    Author: Tony <>
    Date:   Tue Jul 21 13:30:19 2020 -0600

    Notice you also see my own earlier commits in the history prior to your own work

Clean Up your Templates

The root directory of your project is a bit cluttered, including several template files.

  1. Make a templates sub-directory

    mkdir templates
  2. Move all the jinja template files (ending .j2)

    mv *.j2 templates
  3. All your playbooks now have an incorrect path


grep can be an extremely useful command when working with Ansible repos and projects. Since the paths you are going to have to change are all related to the template module we can quickly find them. grep -A can be used to show a specified number of lines after the search pattern. Try:

grep -A2 template: provision_*
Sample Output
provision_app_tier.yml:      template:
provision_app_tier.yml-        src: launch_resource_hub.j2
provision_app_tier.yml-        dest: /usr/local/bin/launch_resource_hub
provision_app_tier.yml:      template:
provision_app_tier.yml-        src: flask_service.j2
provision_app_tier.yml-        dest: /etc/systemd/system/{{ flask_app_name }}.service
provision_database_tier.yml:      template:
provision_database_tier.yml-        src: pg_hba.conf.j2
provision_database_tier.yml-        dest: "{{ postgres_10_data_dir }}/pg_hba.conf"
provision_load_balancer_tier.yml:      template:
provision_load_balancer_tier.yml-        src: haproxy.cfg.j2
provision_load_balancer_tier.yml-        dest: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
  1. Fix each of the src: lines above to include the templates sub-directory in the path

  2. Validate your work by running ansible-playbook teardown-app.yml and then ansible-playbook site.yml

  3. Before committing your changes use git status to see the changes. git diff will show the details of your edits

    git status
    Sample Output
    # On branch refactor-pass-01
    # Changes not staged for commit:
    #   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    #       deleted:    flask_service.j2
    #       deleted:    haproxy.cfg.j2
    #       deleted:    launch_resource_hub.j2
    #       deleted:    pg_hba.conf.j2
    #       modified:   provision_app_tier.yml
    #       modified:   provision_database_tier.yml
    #       modified:   provision_load_balancer_tier.yml
    # Untracked files:
    #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    #       templates/
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
  4. Save your changes with git add and git commit

    git add --all
    git commit -am "Cleaned up jinja templates to templates directory"
    Sample Output
    [refactor-pass-01 7e0d63a] Cleaned up jinja templates to templates directory
     7 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
     rename flask_service.j2 => templates/flask_service.j2 (100%)
     rename haproxy.cfg.j2 => templates/haproxy.cfg.j2 (100%)
     rename launch_resource_hub.j2 => templates/launch_resource_hub.j2 (100%)
     rename pg_hba.conf.j2 => templates/pg_hba.conf.j2 (100%)
  5. Finally merge you changes into your main branch

    git checkout main
    git merge refactor-pass-01
    Sample Output
    Updating 531439b..7e0d63a
     group_vars/app_servers.yml                                 |  26 ++++++++++++
     group_vars/database_servers.yml                            |  24 +++++++++++
     group_vars/load_balancers.yml                              |   3 ++
     main.yml                                                   | 296 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     provision_app_tier.yml                                     |  77 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     provision_database_tier.yml                                |  85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     provision_load_balancer_tier.yml                           |  81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     site.yml                                                   |   3 ++
     flask_service.j2 => templates/flask_service.j2             |   0
     haproxy.cfg.j2 => templates/haproxy.cfg.j2                 |   0
     launch_resource_hub.j2 => templates/launch_resource_hub.j2 |   0
     pg_hba.conf.j2 => templates/pg_hba.conf.j2                 |   0
     12 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 296 deletions(-)
     create mode 100644 group_vars/app_servers.yml
     create mode 100644 group_vars/database_servers.yml
     create mode 100644 group_vars/load_balancers.yml
     delete mode 100644 main.yml
     create mode 100644 provision_app_tier.yml
     create mode 100644 provision_database_tier.yml
     create mode 100644 provision_load_balancer_tier.yml
     create mode 100644 site.yml
     rename flask_service.j2 => templates/flask_service.j2 (100%)
     rename haproxy.cfg.j2 => templates/haproxy.cfg.j2 (100%)
     rename launch_resource_hub.j2 => templates/launch_resource_hub.j2 (100%)
     rename pg_hba.conf.j2 => templates/pg_hba.conf.j2 (100%)


I’ve deliberately created a second repo with a solution, to avoid the temptation of just checking out the relevant commit/tag/branch (more on them later). Meanwhile it can be found here

Next Steps

Congratulations, you know have a cleaner codebase that is more modular and easier to maintain. However it is still a bit "clunky" and it would be awkward for another team to "borrow" say your Postgres playbook.

In Part 4 we will look more closely at roles and both convert the bulk of provision_database_tier.yml into a role and also look to see if someone else has already written a good HAProxy role on Ansible Galaxy